Post a YouTube video

What should you do?

- Post a video on your YouTube channel showing how to use our website through: registering an account - logging in - adding credit - how to order - technical support ... etc.

After that, please raise a ticket and send the video link, so that $3 will be added to your balance on the site.

Terms and Conditions :

Your channel must have more than 100 subscribers and more than 5 videos posted.

- The video title must contain the word “GOTAFOLLOW - Sell Followers Site”.

The video link must be included in the description box.

- If you remove the video after adding funds to your account, your account will be suspended and all orders will be deleted and removed.

Post on forum

What should you do?

-  Publishing a post on a specific forum about our site and how to use it  and a positive evaluation of it by clarifying the mechanism:  registration - recharge the balance - order - support ... etc.

- After  publishing the post, please raise a ticket and send us the link to the  publication so that $1 will be added to your account on the site.

Terms and Conditions :

The name of the site should be put as follows: GOTAFOLLOW - Followers Selling Site

Your account must be more than a month old and have at least 5 or more posts already.

Post an article on your blog

What should you do?

Publish an article on your website or blog about e-marketing and mention our name and the website link as follows: GOTAFOLLOW

Note:  You can use your affiliate link on the page: Affiliate Marketing to get  profits in another way also for each client who registers from your  link.

After  publishing the post, please raise a ticket and send us the link to the  publication, so that $2 will be added to your account on the site.

Terms and Conditions :

Your website/blog must be functional and not new and must contain some old posts.